Performance Results

Going in, you should be clear that these charts are going to be an unfair fight. The only coolers we've reviewed so far are this stack of Deepcool air coolers alongside a very healthy number of closed loop liquid coolers, so some perspective does need to be applied.

With that in mind, though, I'm keen to point out that the Corsair H55 is an entry-level Asetek-based CPU cooler. While its current price is actually higher than we'd like, there are closed loop Aseteks available from different vendors on NewEgg for as little as $49. That means that the H55 can be very much representative of the kind of competition mid-to-high-end air coolers are going to come into contact with.

Cooling Performance


Note that Intel's stock cooler is only at the top of the charts because it actually failed load testing. The Deepcool Assassin isn't a horrible cooler, but it definitely underperforms for what should be a high end, powerful air cooler. And if you have space for the Assassin, chances are you have space for an H55 or competing equivalent.

Acoustic Performance

The air coolers are all pretty middle of the road acoustically, but note that for how much performance you can get out of liquid coolers, they're certainly capable of making quite a racket. Deepcool's coolers are actually all fairly good citizens where noise is concerned, and it's clear that Deepcool has prioritized low noise.

Testing Methodology Conclusions: One Stands Alone
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  • Sanidin - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Thank you for calling out Intel on this. Last night I purchased a CM 212+ because the stock heatsink just isn't making enough contact anymore. Death to pushpins!
  • kmmatney - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    It would be very nice to see the CM212+ or CM212 EVO in the charts, as this seems to be the bargain cooler a lot of us are getting.
  • DLimmer - Monday, February 25, 2013 - link

    When a Hyper 212 can be had for $20-35, it's frequently the cooler to beat.
  • ymrtech - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    You really should get a CM 212 in along with a Noctua ND-h14 for some reviews.
    The Noctua is rated one of the best air coolers pretty much all around the web and it even keeps up with some closed loop solutions while running quieter...
    I put CM 212 because everyone loves it for it's price ($25).
  • ymrtech - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Anddd It's only after I posted that I see you'll be getting some Noctua coolers in.
    woot :D
  • roberto.tomas - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    The performance of the different parts in green were all *head and shoulders* above the rest, in both cooling and noise. Yet the conclusion page almost makes it sound like: «If you want to get great cooling, but a decent cooler like the H55, but if you cant afford that, these Deepcool's will suffice.»

    The charts pretty clearly disagree with the conclusions. They show a different story. None of the coolers compare to even the worst performing Deepcool. And surprisingly, the cheapest Deepcool of the bunch is the best performer.
  • Itchrelief - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    I think you're reading the chart backwards. Longer bars are worse, thus the ones at the top performed the best, except for the Intel, which is a faulty data point.
  • Treckin - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Hey Dustin, good review :) Still wondering about a 920 review? Reason I keep asking is because I own one AND an antec 1100 case, so the reviews you post give me fantastic feedback on which cooler if any to switch to.

    Thanks so much
  • stickmansam - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Having the h55 out perform the h60 is confusing me as I thought the h60 outperformed the h55 as per other reviews..
  • Senti - Saturday, February 23, 2013 - link

    Agreed, but I'd like to add there Thermalright Archon too.

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