Gaming Performance - MDK2

Apparently, MDK2 loves L2 cache, but it does not really care how much of it the CPU has. The K6-2+ processor was able to gain a 12% performance lead over the K6-2 at the same speed. The 256KB L2 cache K6-3+, however, was not able to perform any faster than the K6-2+ at the same clock speed.

The additional cache did not provide any speed increase at the 550MHz mark as well. Performance remained identical between the 550MHz K6-3+ and the 550MHz K6-2+.


When comparing the MDK2 scores at 640x480x32 to those above at 1024x768x32 one will notice that the scores essentially remain the same. As we saw in Quake III Arena, this is caused due to a CPU bottleneck. The video card is simply not being stressed enough due to the older CPUs used in testing. Since the results remain identical to those seen at 640x480x32, the analysis remains the same.

Gaming Performance - Quake III Arena Gaming Performance - UnrealTournament
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