Other Facts about Yonah

Mooly offered a few more tidbits of information about Yonah and the Napa platform:

1) The Golan WiFi solution will be a minicard, less than half the size of the Colexico wireless solution used in current generation Pentium Ms. The WiFi in Napa will be 802.11a/b/g initially.

2) Yonah will have full support for Intel AMT and VT, both technologies we talked about yesterday.

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3) The heat sink on the development Yonah platforms is purposefully large because the chip is far from mass production, the shipping chip will have no problems running just as cool, if not cooler than current generation Dothan notebooks.

4) No comment on EM64T support, although we doubt that Yonah will have 64-bit support out of the box. Remember that Yonah's execution units are borrowed from the Pentium 3, moving to 64-bit execution units would make the chip significantly larger, similar to what we saw in the Northwood -> Prescott transition (although not nearly as extreme, since the pipeline would remain the same). For a mobile platform, that decision just doesn't make sense yet.

5) The chipset is also listed as being a "Small Form Factor", most likely meaning that the package is smaller, allowing for even tinier board layouts.

Final Words

In meetings since Mooly's presentation we've been piecing together even more about the future of Yonah and Intel's strategy beyond Netburst, it looks like the focus on SIMD FP/FP performance was a calculated one...


Dual Cores and Power Management
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  • PentiumIV - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - link

    Banias - there is a rever in Golan Heights called Banias (or waterfall, don't remember ...)

    Dothan - there is a Dothan Valley in Israel.

    P.S. We've go a great honor- to use Israeli names for code names !
  • PentiumIV - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - link

    Yonah als means "pidgeon" in Hebrew ....
  • PeteRoy - Friday, March 4, 2005 - link

    I think your right Determinant about that, Yonah can be a person name they call the core after.

    Dothan has no meaning in Hebrew but some people in Israel are called Dothan, I don't know about Banias.
  • IntelUser2000 - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    LOL, its so funny to see people going religiously over some computer hardware. Not that I am not an enthusiast, but not so into like most of you guys do.

    Anyways Yonah looks slick.
  • Determinant - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    #11 (PeteRoy)

    While Yona might mean pigeon in Hebrew, Yonah does not.

    Yonah means Jonah in Hebrew.

    God told the prophet Jonah to go and tell this
    one nation to change from their evil ways
    otherwise they will get punished.

    Yonah didn't listen and took a boat in the
    opposite direction. He got thrown off the boat,
    swallowed by a whale and taken to the place where
    he was supposed to go. The whale vomitted Jonah

    I think Jonah's branch predictor needed some fine
    tuning otherwise he wouldn't have made the wrong

    Dual cores wouldn't have helped here.
  • stephenbrooks - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    #11, did the pigeon get swallowed by a whale? Did it have dual-cores?
  • val - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    advertising is required in current world.
    The world which cannot alive without "women intim products" ads have many reasons why so fast developing company as Intel need to advertise.
    If they will not, somebody else will. Without ads the average Joe will not know there there is something to change his PIII 700 MHz for on the market, will never know difference between garage PC and high quality laptop, etc.

    There are no bad and good guys in Capitalism. Everybody works for moneys and fame.
  • Quanticles - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    AMD is on a much tighter budget. That means they have to choose between spending money on a competitive product, or spending money on advertising. I wouldnt be suprised if Intel's advertising budget is bigger than that of AMD's entire processor division.
  • Doormat - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    AMD ususally has some sort of meeting around IDF. This year they didnt unveil anything new, just had lots of dual core computers running. Apparently production models too, it came out that AMD's dual core speeds will start at 2.4GHz, maybe higher (for reference, a single core 2.4GHz dual channel ddr/1MB L2 is AMD's 4000+ model).
  • val - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - link

    I think that AMD have some PR meeting. We havent seen many nice products for some time so they plan some another forum spam burst or maybe some submarine advertising?

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