I love the idea of flexibility on the mainpage. It sounds like I might much prefer the simpler listing of content you described. Looking forward to it, and thanks for the hard work!
Looks great. Keep up the amazing work. Was the chat w/ Intel and VMware posted on youtube or something for those of us that had class/work during that time?
oh yeah i forgot about that. I was expecting a reminder on the front page. I guess there will be an article regarding that if anything interesting was brought up.
anyway, site looks good and i like the juicy SSD coverage. There's still a lot of unanswered questions, such as how would the SF SSDs handle encrypted data and so on.
Regarding feedback on the site, I think the comments section should either have 50 replies by default or the "VIEW ALL COMMENTS" button to do what it implies. Some sort of indicator of the latest/unread replies would be good as well
One problem with the old site that remains with the new one is that its much too difficult to find out your recommendations - especially with the latest hardware. Maximum PC does this much better, but still not perfect. What I'd like to see is "Here are our current top three motherboards, videocards, hard drives, etc." broken out by platform and price range. At-a-glance - that doesn't exist and should!
I'll second this one. I know it's hard for AT to be all thing to all people, but for those of us who are mostly on the consumer end and don't have time to always keep up on the latest everything, we could really use a current "best" list. The old high, mid, low, buyer's guides were very helpful in that respect. Perhaps a meddling of the old buyer's guides and a list?
i agree. get rid of the horizontal scrolling article images... it doesn't help with identifying new articles and it makes my firefox browser laggy too.
I agree, the carousel is really distracting and irritating. Also if you have a bunch of tabs open it starts to stutter which makes it even worse. Please get rid of it.
I agree, too. I think it's just the latest fad in "modern" web design, like a badge of proof that they use jquery. ArsTechnica did something similar in their last redesign, too.
Add me to the list of auto-scrolling haters, as well. At least make it an option that can be disabled. Allow the reader to decide whether or not they want to allow the bar to scroll automatically or manually step through the articles in the band.
Hi Anand could you add support as downloading the articles in PDF's so that one can read articles while on the go when without internet connection. Hopeful to see this feature. Thanks Anand.
I'd recommend to replace the acronyms used in the div class="navigation_product" class="white" section with nouns instead to keep a constant naming standard in the overall design.
CPUs | Motherboards | SSD/HDD | GPUs | Mobile
Processors | Motherboards | Storage | Graphics | Mobile
Sorry, Anand, but I don't like the new site. I really loved the simplicity of the old one, it was just perfect. My main complaints would be: first, what da hell is this scale? Unless u've got a hi-res display, you just have to scroll and scroll and scroll, it's really annoying. I feel like a cripple with my 1440x900 lappy screen. Second - this featured article box. I don't really remember seeing such a simple thing to be so badly done anywhere else. Okay, may be my p8600 isn't fast enough for this website anymore? Well, up until now I was quite satisfied with it, even when doing 3d renders.... Also, it takes most of the front page, and sometimes you just miss some interesting articles, just because they are pushed down. And more and more and more and more...
I might want the old version back but, to be honest, it doesn't really matter. After all, I come here not for what the site looks like but its content. But then again, the old site was just fine, imo
I agree,far to much scrolling and on my widescreen monitor we have this tiny,thin website in the middle with huge ,blank colums on either side. No widescreen format?
I've got this error when I try to post comment on ypur latest MacBook Pro update: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.". I tried latest Safari and Firefox on OS X afcourse ;)
I don't understand all this hype about the "new and improved site". The old site was *much* better! And what's this obsession with that stupid carousel? It's a monstrosity. I just don't get it. Bring back the old site, the *real* Anandtech website.
I find it unintuitive to have an individual post on the front page show up as text, image and then more text, as it throws off the visual cue for the next post. It would be better to have it as image and then text.
...I just remembered, I HATE it when I read a post on the front page then decide to go into it only to find the text I was just reading (that I may or may not have read all of) isnt at the start of the article. I think the main page should have a blurb of whatever length, which is duplicated on the top of the article page in a smaller and/or bold font.
Also the 'read more' link should probably be on the right, as it currently looks more associated with the post heading succeeding it.
please tell me that eventually you will make the visual abomination (AKA the forums) better.
ever since you guys switched to the new 'revamped' forum i've lost almost all interest in going there. its just too nasty to look at and browse. the old one was much more refined in my opinion. the new one looks like something generic from 1995
I enjoy having the Dailytech links on the side, but could you make it so clicking on one doesn't force it to open in a new window? If I wanted that function, I would do it myself. Also, I visit there after I'm done reading Anandtech for the moment anyway, so forcing it to open in a new window doesn't make sense. Sure, I could open it in a new tab, but that's only a partial solution.
I miss the "more Dailytech stories" link and page that you could click on if you hadn't visited in a while and wanted to catch up (I don't really like the Dailytech website itself for this, is it too complicated) where the past stories were listed. Therefore I always read Dailytech stories linked from the Anandtech site.
Kill that thing already please. It's quite rediculous that it takes up a full core (25%+ CPU usage) on a Q9550@ 3.6GHz! If you really want it that badly figure out a way to code it that is actually efficient.
I agree, international giveaways/comps! US-only is a bit alienating.
I'll also vote for Flight Sim to be part of the next GPU/CPU Test Suite; maybe even FlightGear which is an open source flight sim, Anantech could probably get dev assistance in constructing a benchmark tool.
And finally I just noticed that the 'page number links' at the bottom of the page; the current page number isn't highlighted enough (actually its just non-bold which is barely differentiating), I have to cursor over it to see which one isnt linked.
Having used this site now for a while there are two things that I would like to see improved.
1. It would be really, really nice if when commenting one could see the article and not have to make comments based on memory. When replying one should be able to see the comment one is replying to. Also, a comment preview thing would be nice.
2. Make the font size bigger. Having it be bigger would make the glyphs look better. It would also mean fewer words per line, which would be a good thing since you are over the optimal line width from a readability standpoint.
dunno if bug or feature, but my browser (opera) displays replies in the comment sections with bright background. this looks more llke you would format quotes, not replies.
i mistakenly read over replies some times because I'm used to this convention on other forums/comment sections and irgnore quoted parts for most of the time.and want to see the reply itself
In general, the look of the site is nicer. But I don't like the AD-Banner over your own logo... it makes things kind of ugly. The menu buttons are kind of large, but I'm gathering that it makes the site more Smartphone/ iphone friendly.
The DailyTech articles are more forgettable since they are much lower on the screen.
But I've been having problems with the site under Opera 10.5 in which this site won't remember my PW, even if I just made a post 10min earlier or it won't post at ALL. I type in the text, press POST... nothing happens. Press REPLY, nothing happens. But it does seem to work this time on this post :)
When that happened, I fired up Chrome and was able to do my postings.
First off, I am having problems logging in to my standard account, hence the '2' in my username. I can login to the forums just fine, but the main page login gives me an error like this:
Secondly, I like the design in many ways, but I have a big issue with the way the article archives are organized. Just a long list of articles with paging, and lots of space between articles... it's impossible to get a quick grasp on the . Kinda sucks compared to the previous method where you could click on a topic (e.g. GPU's) then view articles by year, with just a text link to the article titles. All the articles for a whole year could fit on one page so it was easy to find the article where (say) Anand gets into the guts of the RV670 architecture without having to spend a lot of time looking for it. I got very used to this design and I think the new design is a big step backwards in functionality. Way too much white space on the page, it's impossible to look at things at a glance.
Also don't listen to all the haters bashing your Apple articles. It's your site, and you like Macs, so please write about them as much as you want to. There is a curious anti-Apple mentality among hardcore tech geeks that is pretty pervasive. If they would just open their minds they would see that Macs have a lot to offer. They seem to think that every Mac user owns a Mac because they're either A) dumb B) too rich C) technically incompetent D) slaves to fashion E) Microsoft haters. And I'm about to get on a rant about this, so I'll take it to the forum. But don't listen to the whiners. It's your site, and it's always been built on pursuing your passion. That is what has made Anandtech so good through the years. If you're really interested in the iPad and enjoy using it, then please post as many articles as you want about it.
Keep up the great work, I have been following you since you first began writing for CPU mag, and have always been impressed with your thorough reviews. Again you set the standard for what a Tech site should be, you are very much appreciated.
It would be nice if there was a way to identify the newest article the carousel up top. Put a different borders around it, add a "new" graphic to one of the corners, add a date to each one... do something to identify the newest one.
I, and I suspect many others as well, don't want large blocks of things moving around on a page we're reading. At the very least I would welcome a feature to keep it static until an arrow is clicked.
... not too keen on everything having color gradients either, but everyone seems mesmerized by reducing usability (through lower contrast) so much that it's going to take years for people to come around to designing again for function instead of form.
I asked previously but since this change was not made (yet?) I will ask again:
Please indicate in DailyTech when one day ends so I can see when the next one begins. I find that I catch up to DailyTech in odd moments and it is much easier to keep track of what I have read if I can at least remember: Oh year, I finished Tuesday's entries.
Other thoughts:
1) I will appreciate being able to print the long articles; Acrobat .pdf would be a nice enhancement.
I think you guys are doing a great job, I've enjoyed your articles for nearly 8 years and I have to say I'll miss the old anand, but I'm looking forward to reading more great material from you guys no matter what it looks like. Since you're putting in all these great extras I may have to try them out, I've been to lazy in the past to take advantage of some of the cool things you've had going here.
I have read Anandtech and used it for my source of info since the beginning of the website. I never post, but I read daily! I always use the guides when looking for upgrades or system builds. I think Anand has done a great job over the years. Congrats!!
The site is still behaving VERY sluggish for me on Opera Mini on my phone, any chance you can check that out? It's not that it loads slowly, it's that once it does it's very sluggish to scroll thru or navigate... I visit a ton of different sites on Opera Mini and this is the first time any one site has caused that, plus it wasn't happening right after the site re-design either, it only started happening a week or two ago. I can't figure out what's up, it's not like Opera Mini loads Flash ads or anything like that which would bog it down...
I've been using the "Print" feature since soon after the site beta update. I was playing around with the URL (and inadvertently discovered a potential security issue which I reported and which was promptly fixed) and discovered that if you just replace the word "show" with the word "print" in the URL, you got the print preview.
One suggestion I have is regarding the "Read More" button. Specifically, it would be nice if there was no "Read More" button/link if there wasn't anything else to read, such as with this Beta - Update. Reaching the end I was fairly certain that there wouldn't be anything more, since the last sentence was fairly clearly a closer, but I checked anyway since I saw that there was a "Read More" button.
Not a big deal, at all, but displaying "Read More" only when necessary would help to reduce wasted clicks with the short updates & features coming on the main page now, and in the future.
I'm using FeedReader 2.9 (could be found on sourceforge) as RSS client backed by IE6. Starting of update (1.4.), it seems to me that no new article appears. I know that this is really old setup. Do you think it will work for me again?
I think the new carousel scheme of putting the "biggest reviews/news stories [up there], while the smaller stuff (this just in, any smaller news, etc...) will appear in the listing below" is a terrible idea. It's so easy to miss a "small" article and now I have to scroll down the page to see what I've likely missed. Atrocious. A step backward in every conceivable way, IMO.
How about a smaller carousel for "small stuff"? Or just a text list of what doesn't make the "main" carousel? Or bringing back the "ticker" on the right-hand site mentioning new articles since the last visit? Something, anything, to alerts visitors about new articles or at least give us the opportunity to quickly see the most recent articles, like AT used to have (!), instead of making us root around for new articles.
We’ve updated our terms. By continuing to use the site and/or by logging into your account, you agree to the Site’s updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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jebo - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I love the idea of flexibility on the mainpage. It sounds like I might much prefer the simpler listing of content you described. Looking forward to it, and thanks for the hard work!punjabiplaya - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Looks great. Keep up the amazing work. Was the chat w/ Intel and VMware posted on youtube or something for those of us that had class/work during that time?semo - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
oh yeah i forgot about that. I was expecting a reminder on the front page. I guess there will be an article regarding that if anything interesting was brought up.anyway, site looks good and i like the juicy SSD coverage. There's still a lot of unanswered questions, such as how would the SF SSDs handle encrypted data and so on.
Regarding feedback on the site, I think the comments section should either have 50 replies by default or the "VIEW ALL COMMENTS" button to do what it implies. Some sort of indicator of the latest/unread replies would be good as well
IKeelU - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Hi,How about a mobile version of the site? When i click on mobile at the top right I just get junk on my nexus one...
drank12quartsstrohsbeer - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
The site redesign is fine. The old one was too jumbled.I am disappointed in the amount of coverage of apple and cellphone carp.
zdzichu - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Please, don't make next giveaway US/Canada only. At least include European Union.-- Loyal Reader
pjconoso - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Please make this giveaway worldwide. :(feelingshorter - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Been a long time reader and this website looks better than ever. No complaints!Xorg - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
One problem with the old site that remains with the new one is that its much too difficult to find out your recommendations - especially with the latest hardware. Maximum PC does this much better, but still not perfect. What I'd like to see is "Here are our current top three motherboards, videocards, hard drives, etc." broken out by platform and price range. At-a-glance - that doesn't exist and should!Rike - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I'll second this one. I know it's hard for AT to be all thing to all people, but for those of us who are mostly on the consumer end and don't have time to always keep up on the latest everything, we could really use a current "best" list. The old high, mid, low, buyer's guides were very helpful in that respect. Perhaps a meddling of the old buyer's guides and a list?Zebriz - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Been a long time reader as well, the new site looks a lot cleaner and everything seems easier to access/find. I like it :)LongTimePCUser - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
They are distracting and confusing.Make the images smaller and fix them on the top of the page with the most recent on the left.
If you want to put images links for additional, older articles, then put an arrow image for me to click on so that I can scroll them under my control.
tommy2q - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
i agree. get rid of the horizontal scrolling article images... it doesn't help with identifying new articles and it makes my firefox browser laggy too.Mr Alpha - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I agree, the carousel is really distracting and irritating. Also if you have a bunch of tabs open it starts to stutter which makes it even worse. Please get rid of it.racerx_is_alive - Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - link
I agree too- Just show the 3 newest images at the top, and let me click on the triangles to rotate them if/when I want to.icrf - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I agree, too. I think it's just the latest fad in "modern" web design, like a badge of proof that they use jquery. ArsTechnica did something similar in their last redesign, too.ggathagan - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
Add me to the list of auto-scrolling haters, as well.At least make it an option that can be disabled.
Allow the reader to decide whether or not they want to allow the bar to scroll automatically or manually step through the articles in the band.
AnnonymousCoward - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
100% agree.On a similar point, I don't like that the "Latest Posts" section contains headline articles, since it's a repeat of info.
Sidharthmodi - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Hi Anand could you add support as downloading the articles in PDF's so that one can read articles while on the go when without internet connection. Hopeful to see this feature. Thanks Anand.QChronoD - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Why not just use the "Print Article" then print it to PDF (or whatever format you want)semo - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
i vote against this frivolous feature.you can use pdfcreator or primopdf
JakFrost - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I'd recommend to replace the acronyms used in the div class="navigation_product" class="white" section with nouns instead to keep a constant naming standard in the overall design.CPUs | Motherboards | SSD/HDD | GPUs | Mobile
Processors | Motherboards | Storage | Graphics | Mobile
ksherman - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I completely agree. Current menu titles in the white area are a little strange.blyndy - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I completely agree.NJoy - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Sorry, Anand, but I don't like the new site. I really loved the simplicity of the old one, it was just perfect. My main complaints would be: first, what da hell is this scale? Unless u've got a hi-res display, you just have to scroll and scroll and scroll, it's really annoying. I feel like a cripple with my 1440x900 lappy screen. Second - this featured article box. I don't really remember seeing such a simple thing to be so badly done anywhere else. Okay, may be my p8600 isn't fast enough for this website anymore? Well, up until now I was quite satisfied with it, even when doing 3d renders.... Also, it takes most of the front page, and sometimes you just miss some interesting articles, just because they are pushed down. And more and more and more and more...I might want the old version back but, to be honest, it doesn't really matter. After all, I come here not for what the site looks like but its content. But then again, the old site was just fine, imo
Will Robinson - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I agree,far to much scrolling and on my widescreen monitor we have this tiny,thin website in the middle with huge ,blank colums on either side.No widescreen format?
RMZ - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Nice work on the refresh of the sites look and feel.As always keep on bring us the great content!
And world-wide giveaways are always better ;)
maxxl - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I've got this error when I try to post comment on ypur latest MacBook Pro update: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.". I tried latest Safari and Firefox on OS X afcourse ;)Reagrds,
maxxl - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
It looks that this error appeared when I tried to post terminal command. So look at this thread for "ioreg -lw0" command and try to post it here by yourself:http://discussions.info.apple.com/message.jspa?mes...
xcy - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I don't understand all this hype about the "new and improved site".The old site was *much* better!
And what's this obsession with that stupid carousel? It's a monstrosity.
I just don't get it.
Bring back the old site, the *real* Anandtech website.
blyndy - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I find it unintuitive to have an individual post on the front page show up as text, image and then more text, as it throws off the visual cue for the next post. It would be better to have it as image and then text....I just remembered, I HATE it when I read a post on the front page then decide to go into it only to find the text I was just reading (that I may or may not have read all of) isnt at the start of the article. I think the main page should have a blurb of whatever length, which is duplicated on the top of the article page in a smaller and/or bold font.
Also the 'read more' link should probably be on the right, as it currently looks more associated with the post heading succeeding it.
blyndy - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
To clarify, I think a single post should consist of1. heading
2. image
3. text
and not
1. heading
2. text
3. image
4. text
IlllI - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
please tell me that eventually you will make the visual abomination (AKA the forums) better.ever since you guys switched to the new 'revamped' forum i've lost almost all interest in going there. its just too nasty to look at and browse. the old one was much more refined in my opinion. the new one looks like something generic from 1995
Sebec - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
I enjoy having the Dailytech links on the side, but could you make it so clicking on one doesn't force it to open in a new window? If I wanted that function, I would do it myself. Also, I visit there after I'm done reading Anandtech for the moment anyway, so forcing it to open in a new window doesn't make sense. Sure, I could open it in a new tab, but that's only a partial solution.Glassmaster - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I miss the "more Dailytech stories" link and page that you could click on if you hadn't visited in a while and wanted to catch up (I don't really like the Dailytech website itself for this, is it too complicated) where the past stories were listed. Therefore I always read Dailytech stories linked from the Anandtech site.MadMan007 - Saturday, April 24, 2010 - link
Kill that thing already please. It's quite rediculous that it takes up a full core (25%+ CPU usage) on a Q9550@ 3.6GHz! If you really want it that badly figure out a way to code it that is actually efficient.ianmit - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
1. Like the new format but agree with suggestion removing horizontal scrolling and smaller images.2. As you cater for an international audience, please have international give aways including Australia.
3, Please include Flight Sim as a regular benchmark tool. There are thousands of us keen to see how new hardware would specifically affect Flight Sim.
blyndy - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I agree, international giveaways/comps! US-only is a bit alienating.I'll also vote for Flight Sim to be part of the next GPU/CPU Test Suite; maybe even FlightGear which is an open source flight sim, Anantech could probably get dev assistance in constructing a benchmark tool.
And finally I just noticed that the 'page number links' at the bottom of the page; the current page number isn't highlighted enough (actually its just non-bold which is barely differentiating), I have to cursor over it to see which one isnt linked.
thestain - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
Appears that viewing width is set at a fixed width with a whole lot of wasted space to the left and right.Any progress to report?
Drazick - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
All I wish you'd include some Matlab Benchmarks.It's something easy (Relatively) to do and might mean a lot for some.
Mr Alpha - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
Having used this site now for a while there are two things that I would like to see improved.1. It would be really, really nice if when commenting one could see the article and not have to make comments based on memory. When replying one should be able to see the comment one is replying to. Also, a comment preview thing would be nice.
2. Make the font size bigger. Having it be bigger would make the glyphs look better. It would also mean fewer words per line, which would be a good thing since you are over the optimal line width from a readability standpoint.
t1e - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
dunno if bug or feature, but my browser (opera) displays replies in the comment sections with bright background. this looks more llke you would format quotes, not replies.i mistakenly read over replies some times because I'm used to this convention on other forums/comment sections and irgnore quoted parts for most of the time.and want to see the reply itself
Belard - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
In general, the look of the site is nicer. But I don't like the AD-Banner over your own logo... it makes things kind of ugly. The menu buttons are kind of large, but I'm gathering that it makes the site more Smartphone/ iphone friendly.The DailyTech articles are more forgettable since they are much lower on the screen.
But I've been having problems with the site under Opera 10.5 in which this site won't remember my PW, even if I just made a post 10min earlier or it won't post at ALL. I type in the text, press POST... nothing happens. Press REPLY, nothing happens. But it does seem to work this time on this post :)
When that happened, I fired up Chrome and was able to do my postings.
slashbinslashbash2 - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
First off, I am having problems logging in to my standard account, hence the '2' in my username. I can login to the forums just fine, but the main page login gives me an error like this:http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?p=29699...
Secondly, I like the design in many ways, but I have a big issue with the way the article archives are organized. Just a long list of articles with paging, and lots of space between articles... it's impossible to get a quick grasp on the . Kinda sucks compared to the previous method where you could click on a topic (e.g. GPU's) then view articles by year, with just a text link to the article titles. All the articles for a whole year could fit on one page so it was easy to find the article where (say) Anand gets into the guts of the RV670 architecture without having to spend a lot of time looking for it. I got very used to this design and I think the new design is a big step backwards in functionality. Way too much white space on the page, it's impossible to look at things at a glance.
Also don't listen to all the haters bashing your Apple articles. It's your site, and you like Macs, so please write about them as much as you want to. There is a curious anti-Apple mentality among hardcore tech geeks that is pretty pervasive. If they would just open their minds they would see that Macs have a lot to offer. They seem to think that every Mac user owns a Mac because they're either A) dumb B) too rich C) technically incompetent D) slaves to fashion E) Microsoft haters. And I'm about to get on a rant about this, so I'll take it to the forum. But don't listen to the whiners. It's your site, and it's always been built on pursuing your passion. That is what has made Anandtech so good through the years. If you're really interested in the iPad and enjoy using it, then please post as many articles as you want about it.
jasperjones - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
The slowly moving images of recent articles near the top of the page tilt me a bit. I'd prefer those images to be static.Apart from that, I like the new design.
jasperjones - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
^^^ near the top of the homepage, I mean.Also, an option to edit comments would be great :-)
techtime - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
Keep up the great work, I have been following you since you first began writing for CPU mag, and have always been impressed with your thorough reviews. Again you set the standard for what a Tech site should be, you are very much appreciated.Here is to many many more successful years.
Jeff7181 - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
It would be nice if there was a way to identify the newest article the carousel up top. Put a different borders around it, add a "new" graphic to one of the corners, add a date to each one... do something to identify the newest one.T2k - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
... any chance scaling it down?Also is there a chance for a smartphone version eg m.anandtech.com?
mindless1 - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I, and I suspect many others as well, don't want large blocks of things moving around on a page we're reading. At the very least I would welcome a feature to keep it static until an arrow is clicked.... not too keen on everything having color gradients either, but everyone seems mesmerized by reducing usability (through lower contrast) so much that it's going to take years for people to come around to designing again for function instead of form.
jah1subs - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I asked previously but since this change was not made (yet?) I will ask again:Please indicate in DailyTech when one day ends so I can see when the next one begins. I find that I catch up to DailyTech in odd moments and it is much easier to keep track of what I have read if I can at least remember: Oh year, I finished Tuesday's entries.
Other thoughts:
1) I will appreciate being able to print the long articles; Acrobat .pdf would be a nice enhancement.
2) Horizontal scroll disturbs me.
somidiot - Sunday, April 25, 2010 - link
I think you guys are doing a great job, I've enjoyed your articles for nearly 8 years and I have to say I'll miss the old anand, but I'm looking forward to reading more great material from you guys no matter what it looks like. Since you're putting in all these great extras I may have to try them out, I've been to lazy in the past to take advantage of some of the cool things you've had going here.Here's to many more years of anandtech.com!
kilkennycat - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
Please see how "the Tech Report" handles comment-postings. Please also fix the same problem in DailyTech.scubakoop - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
I have read Anandtech and used it for my source of info since the beginning of the website. I never post, but I read daily! I always use the guides when looking for upgrades or system builds. I think Anand has done a great job over the years. Congrats!!jahLux - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
Brilliant !!dissonanceus - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
Unless I'm just blind, I can't find a link anywhere on the site to view/edit any account settings.Impulses - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
The site is still behaving VERY sluggish for me on Opera Mini on my phone, any chance you can check that out? It's not that it loads slowly, it's that once it does it's very sluggish to scroll thru or navigate... I visit a ton of different sites on Opera Mini and this is the first time any one site has caused that, plus it wasn't happening right after the site re-design either, it only started happening a week or two ago. I can't figure out what's up, it's not like Opera Mini loads Flash ads or anything like that which would bog it down...Zap - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
I've been using the "Print" feature since soon after the site beta update. I was playing around with the URL (and inadvertently discovered a potential security issue which I reported and which was promptly fixed) and discovered that if you just replace the word "show" with the word "print" in the URL, you got the print preview.Exirtis - Monday, April 26, 2010 - link
One suggestion I have is regarding the "Read More" button. Specifically, it would be nice if there was no "Read More" button/link if there wasn't anything else to read, such as with this Beta - Update. Reaching the end I was fairly certain that there wouldn't be anything more, since the last sentence was fairly clearly a closer, but I checked anyway since I saw that there was a "Read More" button.Not a big deal, at all, but displaying "Read More" only when necessary would help to reduce wasted clicks with the short updates & features coming on the main page now, and in the future.
apriest - Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - link
What happened to the system rigs feature? Seems to be missing with the update.I4occH9Gd - Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - link
I'm using FeedReader 2.9 (could be found on sourceforge) as RSS client backed by IE6. Starting of update (1.4.), it seems to me that no new article appears. I know that this is really old setup.Do you think it will work for me again?
Arglebargle - Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - link
futile attempt to commentmarsmit - Thursday, April 29, 2010 - link
Happy 13th Anniversary and hoping you reach many more.Would sure love this system in my home....grandkids would go nutso!!!!
eezip - Saturday, May 1, 2010 - link
I think the new carousel scheme of putting the "biggest reviews/news stories [up there], while the smaller stuff (this just in, any smaller news, etc...) will appear in the listing below" is a terrible idea. It's so easy to miss a "small" article and now I have to scroll down the page to see what I've likely missed. Atrocious. A step backward in every conceivable way, IMO.How about a smaller carousel for "small stuff"? Or just a text list of what doesn't make the "main" carousel? Or bringing back the "ticker" on the right-hand site mentioning new articles since the last visit? Something, anything, to alerts visitors about new articles or at least give us the opportunity to quickly see the most recent articles, like AT used to have (!), instead of making us root around for new articles.